Freedom from the Cage

Like so many people I lived a caged life for a long time. Only doing what I ‘should’, do the usual work, eat, sleep, very limited socialising and slipping down the slope to sadness and unhealthy lifestyle. Until one day something switched inside my head and I said there has to be more to life than this. I was overweight, overworked and exhausted. I began my journey looking into self development because something inside remembered the magic, as I child I had always believed I was magical but society and school had taken away that magic.

Firstly I studied nutrition and became a nutritionist to get my body back on track. I put myself through everything I would a client it was quite eye opening. I began running as a form of exercise to start with I was very much a Phoebe from friends style of run. But it was quite liberating to not care what others thought as I ran without a care. My next adventure into self care and development was into the world of NLP (neuro- linguistic programming) which unlock the shackles of my mind and shift so many others beliefs that I had taken on as my own. This lead me on to EFT (emotional freedom technique) which is a beautiful and gentle energy medicine shifting blocks of energy in the body. With very new skill I gained I could feel the magic returning.

Once I felt this feeling of being free from the cage I wanted to share this with others and show them that the cage is not locked and you have the power to free yourself and live the life you dream of that you can create for yourself. The secret to life is not to focus on the destination but to embrace the journey and be present. I have been so blessed in my journey to meet so many beautiful souls, some of which I know from previous lifetimes and some new souls who are here for the first time and I love being able to help guide them on their journey. Do you want to free yourself from the cage? What feels like your first step to getting out of your cage?


Autumn love