Autumn love

The crisp freshness of the mornings and the coolness in the air makes me smile deep inside. I love autumn, the colours the smells and most of all the food. The heart healing flavours of autumn have always as long as I can remember sparked great joy in me. Autumn for me is also a time of reflection and recharge. I slow down and really take time to appreciate all I have and have achieved so far this year and take time to care for myself and my family to keep is all healthy and well. I love creating nourishing hearty foods from produce I have grown. This is the kitchen witch in me. You cannot beat a homemade soup like butternut squash soup and homemade bread roll. Another thing I enjoy is fire watching. There is something truly magical about letting go of all thoughts of to do lists and worries just watching the flames dance and create pictures. Walks in nature heal the soul and bring us back to a natural rhythm instead of the usual busy rushed life. Crunchy leaves underfoot and the smell of bonfires in the air, while enjoying a spiced hot chocolate and collecting nature's goodies. The healing power of autumn. Doing all these things makes me feel autumn love and help me return to myself and give myself the love I deserve. Do you show yourself enough love? Remember you cannot share from an empty cup. So I share my list of little rituals with you that restore my love in hope it will help you find your autumn love

*Make and enjoy nourishing comfort food.

*Walk in nature (maybe even hug a tree).

*Enjoy some fire watching as it warms your body allow it to warm your soul.

*Wrap up in your favourite snuggly jumper and enjoy a warm drink being aware of every sip.

*Light an autumn scented candle.

Sending you all the Autumn love Maria x


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