Self care and knowing your limits

Today's trends seem to be all about self care and setting boundaries, but I have found that boundaries are only good when you truly know your limits. Our limits are the point where we tend to break so boundaries need to be set befire that point to avoid tipping over the edge. Most people myself included only start to seek the world of self care once we have been tipped over our limits. It's all about learning how to come home to ourselves after that point and heal.

For me I fell into a very dark place, hiding from the world and avoiding life, just existing. But deep down I know I deserved to live I mean really live. So I began my journey of reconnection to the true inner me. Finding things that made me happy and allowing joy back into my life. The one thing I always remember is the point of my limits and not wanting to return to the dark. I began creating mini boundaries from things like not allowing someone to squash a dream or tell me how I 'should' behave. I developed stronger boundaries with others as well as myself. And that's when my self care truly begun. I made changes to food which affects your mood, I exercised and learned to enjoy and be grateful for the things I have in life all the little joys. This is something I am passionate sharing with others. So when I work with people I ask them what is their limit when does something become not ok? It doesn't just mean behaviour from other people but also ourselves. We are often our own biggest critic. So my question to you is

What are your limits?

What are you allowing that is not ok?

And remember that looking after yourself is not selfish it is essential. So thank you for taking time to read my ramblings now go and take some time for yourself give back to you, you deserve it.

Love Mary ❣️


Realignment and what it has meant for me!


Autumn love